What is the Tarot?
Arthur Edward Waite, co-creator of the well-known Tarot card deck, described it this way:
“The tarot embodies symbolic presentations of universal ideas, behind which lie all the implicits of the human mind, and it is in this sense that they contain secret doctrine, which is the realization by the few of truths embedded in the consciousness of all, though they have not passed into express recognition by ordinary men.”
Just in case that’s a little too complicated for you, my interpretation of the tarot is that it is a mirror. It is a magnifying glass into the soul, revealing what we already know to be true deep within. It’s an invitation to your subconscious mind and an opportunity to tap into the knowledge and answers that reside there.
The 78 cards capture every spiritual lesson we encounter in our lives, and when we consult the Tarot, we receive the exact lesson we need to learn and master to live and inspired life.
The traditional tarot deck has 78 cards, divided into the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana, including the court cards. The 22 Major Arcana cards reflect the vital spiritual lessons that we faced throughout our lives. These cards are associated with the archetypal qualities present in our individual worlds and reveal patterns of behavior and symbols that flow from the collective to the individual, from the universe around us to the universe within us. The remaining 56 cards of the Minor Arcana represent characters, events, and circumstances that are currently impacting our daily lives. The Minor Arcana is made up of four suits: cups, pentacles, swords, and wands. 10 numbered cards comprise each suit, along with four court cards: the page, knight, queen and king. The court cards relate to the people or personalities in our lives.
Many people turn to the tarot with questions about their relationships, career, finances, personal development, day-to-day situations, and significant life transitions. The cards won’t tell you exactly what will happen or offer specific details, but they can give you insight into where you might be heading and the best approach possible.
Where does Tarot come from?
The tarot started as a card game called Tarrochi in the 1500s. It became more widely known in the 1700s, mostly as an occult tool, a label that then solidified in the early 1900s when English occultist and Golden Dawn member, Alistair Crowley, created the Thoth Tarot deck. Later, Arthur Edward Waite co-created the Rider-Waite tarot deck, bringing the tarot to us as we know it today.
As consciousness evolved in the 1960s, Tarot use evolved as well. People started applying it to their personal lives and ascribing psychological meanings to the cards. However, the “fortune telling” characterization still stuck, and, unfortunately, this amazing source of intelligence stayed out of the hands of many who could’ve benefited from it because of its reputation.
Today, everyone can access a Tarot deck that resonates with them to guide them in many areas of life – from creating careers that light them up to supporting those they love and engaging in self reflection and soul-searching. Tarot has finally arrived in the mainstream, and I am so excited about that!
How does the Tarot work?
The tarot reflects back to us what we already know within ourselves, our inner wisdom. We are all connected to the collective, universal wisdom, as well as our own inner wisdom. And when we read the tarot cards and connect with our intuition, we can tap into the universal knowledge. The tarot has a beautiful way of connecting you to your truest wisdom, your soul, and where the light within you resides.
Does Tarot tell the future?
It is a common assumption that the Tarot will predict your fate or destiny. However, operating on these assumptions can actually derail your destiny by altering the path of your free will. The best way to predict your future is to create it! I see the Tarot as a tool for understanding the present energies which will influence the future. Free will is a major factor, so if you don’t like where you’re heading, then you should put in place strategies to create a more positive or desirable outcome. You may still be on a specific path or learning a particular lesson, but you can make your journey easier with the Tarot’s help. Tarot helps us interpret the omens of the present, as well as the energies, buried emotions and beliefs, intuitive understanding, and the deep wisdom of our world and ourselves. But it’s up to us to decide what to do with this information.