What are the Runes?
What are the Runes?
Simply put, Runes are an ancient writing system of letters used by Germanic peoples. They originated around 150 CE and were used in Scandinavia, England, and other areas before the adoption of the Latin alphabet. The Runes are an ancient alphabet called the Elder Futhark, used by Germanic tribes for writing, divination, and magic, with each rune having unique meanings and symbolism. Each Rune is a letter of the runic alphabet that was used to write Germanic languages in ancient times. The Elder Futhark is the oldest form of the runic alphabet used by these tribes.
“In Norse lore, the god, Odin, impaled his heart with his own spear and hung on the world tree, Yggdrasil, for nine days and nights all to perceive the meaning of the Runes. The Runes were symbols that sprang from the Well of Urd – the source of fate. Odin made his sacrifice at great anguish and risk to himself because he knew that the Runes conveyed deep meaning, and if he could understand their meaning he would gain profound wisdom and power.”
– OdinsTreasures.com
Initially, Runes were used for important purposes. For example, they could be carved into gravestones to honor ancestors and fallen heroes. They were also believed to be a bridge to the spirit world, so the ancient Germanic people used them to communicate with higher powers as well. Typically carved on shells, bone, sticks, or gemstones, runes could be cast to glean insight into the past and present as well as foretell the future.
Laura’s take on the Runes is that they reveal the types of energy at play in any situation. When cast, it is possible to foretell which direction those energies are headed in and how they might impact your current or future circumstances. However, it is not fortune telling. Much like the Tarot, the Runes simply reveal what you already know to be true on a deeper, intuitive, subconscious level. Join me and explore the mysteries of the past and present with the Runes!
What are the meanings of the Runes?
1) FEHU represents Livestock. It symbolizes Wealth, Abundance, Success, Security, Fertility.
2) URUZ represents a Bull. It symbolizes Strength, Tenacity, Courage, Untamed Potential, Freedom.
3) THURISAZ represents a Thorn. It symbolizes Reaction, Defense, Conflict, Catharsis, Regeneration.
4) ANSUZ represents an Estuary. It symbolizes the Mouth, Communication, Understanding, Inspiration.
5) RAIDHO represents a Wagon. It symbolizes Travel, Rhythm, Spontaneity, Evolution, Decisions.
6) KENNAZ represents a Torch. It symbolizes Vision, Creativity, Inspiration, Improvement, Vitality.
7) GEBO represents a Gift. It symbolizes Balance, Exchange, Partnership, Generosity, Relationships.
8) WUNJO represents Joy. It symbolizes Pleasure, Comfort, Harmony, Prosperity, Reward, Success.
9) HAGALAZ represents Hail. It symbolizes Nature, Wrath, Being Tested, Overcoming Obstacles.
10) NAUTHIZ represents Need. It symbolizes Restriction, Conflict, Willpower, Endurance, Self-Reliance.
11) ISA represents Ice. It symbolizes Clarity, Stasis, Challenges, Introspection, Watching & Waiting.
12) JERA represents the Year. It symbolizes Cycles, Completion, Changes, Harvest, Reaping Rewards.
13) EIHWAZ represents a Yew Tree. It symbolizes Balance, Enlightenment, Death, The World Tree.
14) PERTHRO represents a Dice Cup. It symbolizes Fate, Chance, Mystery, Destiny, Secrets.
15) ALGIZ represents an Elk. It symbolizes Protection, Defense, Instinct, Group Effort, Guardianship.
16) SOWILO represents the Sun. It symbolizes Health, Honor, Resources, Victory, Wholeness, Cleansing.
17) TIWAZ represents the god Tyr. It symbolizes Masculinity, Justice, Leadership, Logic, Battle.
18) BERKANA represents a Birch Tree. It symbolizes Femininity, Fertility, Healing, Regeneration, Birth.
19) EHWAZ represents a Horse. It symbolizes Transportation, Movement, Progress, Trust, Change.
20) MANNAZ represents Humanity. It symbolizes Individuality, Friendship, Society, Cooperation, Help.
21) LAGUZ represents Water. It symbolizes Intuition, Emotions, Flow, Renewal, Dreams, Hopes & Fears.
22) INGUZ represents a Seed. It symbolizes Goals, Growth, Change, Common Sense, The Hearth (Home).
23) OTHALA represents Inheritance. It symbolizes Ancestry, Possessions, Heritage, Experience, Value.
24) DAGAZ represents Dawn. It symbolizes Awakening, Certainty, Illumination, Completion, Hope.
How are the Runes used today?
Runes are extremely versatile and useful for spiritual practice. We can cast them, carry them with us for inspiration, use them in spell work, inscribe them onto candles to enhance magick, or simply pull a few per day or week for inspiration and guidance. Laura likes to blend her spiritual practices by consulting the Tarot and then following up with the Runes or Oracle cards for additional information.